How to apply
Each Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) school has its own procedure for enrolment. Parents/Legal guardians are encouraged to contact their preferred school to find out more.
See a list of all BCE schools here.
You may also complete an online
enrolment application form and this will be provided to your school of choice.
Please note: not every Brisbane Catholic school may be listed on this form.
Enrol online
Does my child need to be Catholic to attend a BCE school?
BCE schools are welcoming and inclusive communities and enrolment applications can be made at your school of choice regardless of your child's faith background. However being Catholic schools, children who are baptised Catholic are given priority of enrolment at our schools.
More detailed information on enrolment can be found on the school's website, including the order of priority. Each school has an enrolment registrar who is happy to help you with your enquiries, so please contact the school directly.
What is BCE's enrolment policy?
Our schools' enrolment policies are based on the principles outlined by the National Catholic Education Commission, and this acts as a guide for school Principals, when drafting their individual school policy. Each school is unique and slight differences will occur between schools, so we encourage you to talk directly to the school for more information on their enrolment process.
Do Catholic schools have the same catchment zone restrictions as State Schools?
Unlike Education Queensland schools, BCE schools do not have catchment areas but they have Archdiocesan parish areas. If your parish does not have a school, you can apply for enrolment at any bordering parish that has a school.
Regardless of your location, you are welcome to submit an enrolment application for any BCE school however acceptance is not guaranteed and is subject to their enrolment process.
If my child attends a Catholic primary school are they guaranteed to be accepted into a Catholic secondary school?
School children who are nearing the end of their Catholic primary education, may be given priority when enrolling into a Catholic secondary school. However, acceptance is not guaranteed and is subject to each school's enrolment process. We encourage you to directly contact the college about this.
If I already have a child in a Catholic School, will it be automatic for their siblings to be accepted into the same school?
BCE schools give first priority to siblings in most cases however it is important that an application for enrolment is made at the school by any communicated deadlines (if applicable) and that you contact the school directly to confirm the process for sibling enrolment.
When does my child begin Prep?
All Queensland children must undertake a full-time Prep year, prior to Year 1. To be eligible to enrol in Prep, your child must turn 5 by 30 June in the year of attendance in Prep. For more information please refer to the Queensland Government website.
Can I delay the entry of my child to Prep?
You may delay your child's entry to Prep (and subsequently Year 1) if you feel your child is not ready to start school. An example is if the child is still developing their social and emotional skills.
Can I enrol my child into Prep early?
1. the child turns 5 years by 31 July in the year proposed for enrolment and the Principal is satisfied that the child is ready to begin Prep based on the child’s aptitude and ability, social and emotional competence, physical development and level of knowledge and understanding.
2. the child has started education in another state or country that is equivalent to the Prep year and the Principal is satisfied that the child is ready to begin Prep based on the child’s aptitude and ability, social and emotional competence, physical development and level of knowledge and understanding.
Contact your school Principal to discuss your child's enrolment.
Student Behaviour Support
How is discipline approached in Catholic Schools?
Each school has a Student Behaviour Support policy that focuses on self-discipline, and a proactive approach to supporting student behaviour. The procedure sets out codes of behaviour, rights and responsibilities of students, and the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. In addition, our schools have various programs, such as restorative practice, that encourage students to resolve conflict and problem solve in positive ways.
Student Protection and Bullying
Who do I speak to if I have a child safety concern?
If you have a concern for the safety of a student you should report the concern to the school Principal, another student protection contact at the school or the student's teacher. All our staff are trained to respond appropriately to student safety concerns.
My child is being bullied by classmates through social media. What can I do?
Each Brisbane Catholic Education school will have a Student Behaviour Support policy which will address how the school manages allegations of bullying, including bullying through social media.
If you are concerned that your child is being bullied through social media, you should raise the concern with your child's teacher, in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the teacher's response, you can contact the school Principal.
You may also wish to contact the
Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner who can provide information, advice and support in relation to cyberbullying.
My child is being bullied, who do I contact?
Each school will have a Student Behaviour Support policy which will address how the school manages complaints of bullying. If as a parent/carer, you are concerned that your child is being bullied, the issue should be raised with your child's teacher in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the teacher's response, you can contact the school's guidance counsellor or Principal.
School Fees
What if I can't afford to pay the school fees?
If you are unable to pay school fees because of a change in your family’s circumstances that results in financial hardship, you are invited to confidentially approach the school's business manager or principal, who will respond to the situation with care and sensitivity.
No student will be refused enrolment because of a family’s genuine inability to pay fees.
Who do I speak with regarding my school fees and concessions?
Decisions relating to all school fee matters are made at the individual school level. If you have a concern regarding your school fees, concessions, exceptions or debt collection proceedings, you are encouraged to make an appointment to talk the matter over with the school's business manager, or principal as the final authority at the school.
Inclusive Education and Students with Disabilities
What support is available for children with special needs?
It is our aim to meet the educational needs of all students enrolled in our schools. Specialist support staff at the school will discuss your child’s educational needs with you and work to develop, implement and review individual education plans and programs.
Please make sure you contact the school's learning support team or principal to arrange a meeting to talk about what can be done to best support the needs of your child.
What do I do if I am not happy with the support that my child is receiving?
If you feel your child's needs are not being met, it is important that you speak to either the classroom teacher and/or specialist support teacher about your concerns. They will work with you to adjust any plans in place, so your child's individual needs are supported into the future.
How much funding does the school receive for my child with a disability and how do I know that it is going to my child?
The amount of funding a school receives is based on the number of students enrolled at the school with a disability.
Funding is not allocated directly to students, rather schools are allocated the resources, with principals responsible for supporting the educational programs of all students with disability in their school. Much of this resourcing comes in the form of staffing, professional development and the purchase of specialised equipment.
For more information, please contact your school's support teacher: inclusive education or the principal.
Why is there an enrolment application and support procedure?
For families of a child with a disability, finding the right school can be a daunting process. The enrolment application and support procedure is set in place to clearly identify the needs of your child, and help assess if the school can provide the appropriate support for your child. Through the interview process, both families and the school will discuss and agree on what options are available to best support your child.
For further information on the enrolment process, please contact the school's Registrar, who will be able to provide detailed information on their enrolment process.
Feedback and concerns
Who should I contact if I have a concern about a school?
We welcome your feedback and want to hear your concerns. We focus on the wellbeing of every student and making sure our families are happy and well supported.
In the first instance, any concerns should be raised at the school level, starting with your child's class teacher. If you are unable to resolve the matter you can arrange a meeting with the school principal, who will work with you and other parties to reach a suitable resolution.
The BCE Student, Parent and Guardian Complaints Management Process can be found
Family Law and student caring arrangements
We are a separated family; do I need to supply our Family Court order to the school?
As a parent/carer, you have a responsibility to advise the school immediately if any changes occur to your family's circumstances that has the potential to impact on the relationship between the school and parents and/or student.
You should provide the school with copies of any court orders or domestic violence orders, as soon as possible. The school will assume that both parents retain equal parental responsibility for their children, unless they are provided with court orders which provide otherwise.
Unless parental responsibility has been removed by a court order, generally both parents are entitled to be recorded at the school as legal guardians and may be provided with school reports, newsletters, school photos and invitations to school events. However, in some circumstances a domestic violence order or family court order may prevent a parent with parental responsibility from collecting their children or attending teacher interviews or other school events.
I don't have a court order, but I have specific instructions regarding my estranged partner having contact with our child or the school.
Our schools are places of teaching and learning, as well as social and emotional development. In all measures possible, schools should be zones free of parental conflict. For this reason, schools are unable to act as venues for contact between parents and children. Generally, schools cannot prevent a parent from collecting a child from school, even where there is some dispute between the parents as to whom should be collecting the child.
However, exceptions to this include:
- Where a parent has had their parental responsibility removed by a court, where there is an order (family law or domestic violence order) prohibiting contact or unsupervised contact between a parent and child,
- Where the school is aware that the child would be at a risk of harm in the care of that parent or the child refuses to go with the parent (as the school cannot physically intervene to achieve contact).
Health and safetyWhat do I need to do if my child requires medication at school?
If your child requires medication whilst at school, you will need to complete a Student Medication Request form, available at the school office or on the parent portal. This will need to be signed by yourself and/or your local GP and then returned to the school office.
For children who have a serious ongoing medical condition that requires a Medical Action Plan, as a parent/carer you will need to provide the school a copy of this Action Plan. A record of your child's condition and/or medication will be recorded at the school.
For further information about this, please contact your child's school.
Who is responsible for my child's medication?
It is your responsibility as a parent/carer to make sure any medication your child requires is available and up-to-date.