Inclusive Education

​​​​As Catholic faith communities, we commit to live the gospel of Jesus Christ, building a just society and strengthening community through embracing diversity and care for the vulnerable.  Brisbane Catholic Education's approach to inclusive education seeks to empower and support students, families, and schools to understand and implement educational experiences that are based on the principles of excellence, equity and justice.

We believe:

  • Every learner is created in the image and likeness of God and inspired by the Spirit, responds with passion and creativity to life.
  • Every learner seeks to find meaning in life and learning and in the Catholic Christian tradition we find meaning in the person and teachings of Jesus to grow as pilgrim people.
  • Every learner is a lifelong learner, with a desire to search for truth and do what is right, accountable for choices and responsible for actions.
  • Every learner is in some respect, like all others, like some others, like no other and we respond creatively, flexibly and with a futures orientation to ensure dignity and justice for all.
  • Every learner can achieve success in life and learning where diversity is valued and shared wisdom contributes to decision-making that enriches and enlivens our world.
  • Every learner brings to the learning experience their own richly diverse life journey to contribute to a community in communion, empowered by the Spirit to be at the service of others.

Inclusive education in BCE is grounded in Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) of which Australia is a signatory, which commits to: 'the full development of human potential and sense of dignity and self-worth, and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and human diversity.'

Brisbane Catholic Education schools welcome diversity in recognition that we all benefit from nurturing acceptance and we learn from our differences to grow in compassion and love.

​Enrolment Support and Transitions:

​Enrolment Application and Support Process (EASP)

This process seeks to understand and clarify the functional impact of disability and to identify the educational adjustments required to remove barriers to learning and participation. The Enrolment Application and Support Process establishes a collaborative partnership between the school and family to ensure thorough planning for successful transition to school and the provision of ongoing support. ​        

​EASP Flow chart

Dual Enrolment

A dual enrolment occurs through a negotiation between a student's legal guardian, the proposed Brisbane Catholic Education school and another education provider such as a state Special school or Autism Queensland.. A dual enrolment may occur when a parent requests enrolment in a Brisbane Catholic Education school and concurrently in another setting. This usually occurs when a student is on a pathway to a full-time primary or secondary school enrolment in a BCE school, but currently requires significant support from another education setting. During the Enrolment Application and Support Process (EASP) for an enrolling student, the option of a dual placement may be investigated. Parents and the school team discuss and document the purpose, management and review process of a proposed dual enrolment. .


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD):

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability is an annual census process conducted by the Australian government that counts the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to disability and the level of reasonable adjustment they are being provided.

The data collection counts students who have been identified by a school team as receiving an adjustment to address a disability as defined under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA). A Brief Guide to the DDA is available on the Australian Human Rights Commission website. 

For further information regarding the NCCD visit the NCCD website or the NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents.


Brisbane Catholic Education provides a range of personnel to support access to, and participation in learning for all students. These include:   

Support Teacher – Inclusive Education: works in collaborative partnership with the school leadership, teachers, families, and other professionals, in fostering a school culture, systems and processes that enhance educational outcomes and wellbeing for all students.    

Guidance Counsellor: works collaboratively with students, teachers, families and other professionals and agencies so that every student is learning and achieving within a safe, supportive, inclusive and engaging learning environment. Guidance Counsellors have unique expertise to work in schools to help​ all student in the areas of academic achievement, social, personal and career development, and mental health.    

Education Officers – Inclusive Education: have key partnership responsibilities with the school leadership and Brisbane Catholic Education to support processes of multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to remove/reduce barriers to learning and participation in education for all students.    

Speech Pathologists – Inclusive Education: have key partnership responsibilities with the school leadership, teachers, and other professionals to enhance the spoken and written language and communication needs of students. The Speech Pathologist – Inclusive Education supports school communities to identify students with significant education needs arising from communication difficulties. 


Language and Hearing Assistance 

​To ensure all BCE information is accessible to our families, if you require any further assistance to understand our policies and procedures, interpretor and translation services are available.