A commitment to the protection of students
Our Catholic Ethos
While promoting and providing a safe and supportive learning environment
is an essential function for all schools, we have particularly strong and
clear reasons for doing this as Catholic schools.
In Brisbane Catholic Education, the desire to protect children and young
people is based upon the belief that each person is made in the image of
God and the inherent dignity of all should be recognised and fostered.
An essential part of our ethos is making our schools places of safety and
nurturing communities of care. This underpins our commitment to the
protection of students, and we strive to ensure a culture where it is
acknowledged and understood that student protection is everyone's
To develop and maintain this culture, it is important to educate our
students about personal safety strategies and to place the safety and
wellbeing of students at the centre of every action we take.
Student protection is an integral part of student wellbeing and every
student has the right to expect that their school will act to protect them
from any kind of harm.
We believe this focus will inspire hope, faith and a positive future for
our students.
BCE Empowering Student Protection
How can all members of school communities work together to ensure
students are protected?
The members of each school community work together cooperatively to
achieve the best possible outcomes for students.
Parents/caregivers are the primary educators and carers of their
children and schools work in partnership with them.
Schools support parents/caregivers in their efforts to protect their
children from harm.
School staff collaborate with parents/caregivers to empower students by
modelling appropriate behaviour and teaching them personal safety
Brisbane Catholic Education office and school staff participate in
student protection professional learning so they understand their legal,
policy and pastoral responsibilities and how to respond appropriately to
student protection concerns.
Each school has nominated staff members to be Student Protection
Contacts (SPCs).
Students, parents, caregivers and staff members know they can go to an
SPC with concerns about something happening within or outside of school.
School staff, families and communities work together to make Brisbane
Catholic Education schools safe, pastoral environments where students
feel able to seek help and staff members recognise, react and respond
appropriately to concerns about student safety and wellbeing.
Pastoral, policy and legal responsibilities
In fulfilling its pastoral, policy and legal responsibilities, Brisbane
Catholic Education and the schools it administers:
Comply with Queensland legislation relating to the protection of
Have a student protection policy and processes which reflect the
pastoral and legal responsibilities of staff
Provide specialist support personnel and resources at both system and
school level to protect students
Develop and maintain effective working partnerships with relevant
government and community agencies in the support and protection of
Adhere to internal and external regulatory and accountability
requirements, and
- Meet current professional requirements of schools in Australia.
Brisbane Catholic Education's Student Protection Policy and Processes can
be accessed online at
For enquiries in relation to Brisbane Catholic Education's Student
Protection Processes, please contact your school Principal.
Alternatively, you may contact Brisbane Catholic Education's Professional
Standards and Student Protection team:
GPO Box 1201, Brisbane 4001 | (07) 3033 7409 | studentprotection@bne.catholic.edu.au
Further Information
Legislation which underpins student protection in Queensland Catholic Schools
- Child Protection Act 1999
- Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act and Regulation 2017
- Education (General Provisions) Act 2006
- Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000
- Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005
This legislation can be accessed at www.legislation.qld.gov.au.
Assistance can be accessed on the following telephone numbers:
Queensland Police Service
Police – Emergency (free call) - 24 hours 000
Police Link 131444
Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (Child
Safety Services)
After Hours Service (free call) 24 hours 1800 177 135
Family and Child Connect
13 Family (13 32 64)
Domestic and Family Violence Support Services
DVConnect Womensline 24 hours: 1800 811 811
DVConnect Mensline 9am - 12pm: 1800 600 636
Immigrant Women's Support Service: (07) 3846 3490
Legal Services
Legal Aid Queensland: 1300 651 188
(Request to speak to someone in the DV Unit)
Support Services
Centacare Catholic Support Services: 1300 236 822
Parentline: 1300 30 1300
Kids Helpline (free): 1800 551 800
Sexual Assault Helpline (free): 1800 010 120
Lifeline Crisis Counselling Line - 24 hours: 13 11 14
Child protection assistance/resources can be accessed online
Young people's safety | QPS (police.qld.gov.au)