50-years of faith-filled commitment - celebrating Kathryn Godfrey's enduring legacy

Support teacher Kathryn Godfrey with students.

With an impressive career spanning five decades, St Joseph’s Primary School Corinda support teacher Kathryn Godfrey has left an indelible mark on thousands of Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) students and their families. 

Celebrating her 50 years of service at BCE’s Years of Service Awards (1 November), BCE staff paid tribute to Kathryn and her unyielding commitment to fostering inclusive and supportive learning environments for students. 
After starting her career within the state school system, Kathryn joined BCE in 1973 at Holy Spirit School New Farm before moving to St William’s Primary School Keperra.  
Kathryn says she felt called to join BCE to help build faith filled learning communities after being educated by the Mercy sisters herself, adding that Catherine McAuley's charism was a focus throughout her own schooling years.  
Faith has been an important part of my life, particularly during times of challenge and uncertainty,” she says. 

 Working at BCE has given me the opportunity to live and teach the gospel values with a common faith community.” 

Kathryn says it had been a privilege to work for BCE for 50 years. 

“I have felt supported during good and challenging times,” she added.  

I have done it all. Throughout my career I have worked in every year level from Prep to Year 7. 

“I was a classroom teacher for many years but felt drawn to being a support teacher when the role at St Joseph’s Primary School came up because I was interested in supporting the learning and emotional needs of my students. 

“I wanted to help my students grow, while enabling them to contribute to their school community in meaningful ways. 

St Joseph’s Primary School Principal Kim Davis called Kathryn a dedicated and hardworking teacher who always considers the needs of students as part of her daily work. 

Kathryn is well known at St Joseph’s for taking on the extra organisation of the BBQ for many events throughout the year,” she says. 

The school community would like to warmly congratulate Kathryn on celebrating this significant milestone in her career. 

For more information at St Joseph’s Primary School Corinda and to enrol click here. ​

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