BCE joins together to celebrate the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander graduates of 2023


BCE Executive Director Dr Sally Towns with First Nations graduates from Unity College Caloundra West.​

With only days left of Term 3 for the Year 12 students of 2023, schools from across the Archdiocese of Brisbane joined together at Cathedral of St. Stephen to celebrate First Nations graduates in a special liturgy event this week (13 September). 

In 2023, 161 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students graduated from across 51 Catholic schools, including 26 Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) schools.  

BCE Executive Director Dr Sally Towns said the graduates were celebrated and congratulated for their perseverance and commitment throughout their senior years.   

“At BCE we are committed to developing a culturally safe and welcoming education system for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, employees, and our wider community,” she said.   

“BCE’s numbers have increased to our highest rate of First Nations students engaging and remaining in our school system and graduating, demonstrating the resilience and determination of First Nations communities, and the emerging generation.   

“We also have the opportunity to utilise the curriculum to bring about education, which is the key to genuine reconciliation and improving opportunities for future generations to walk together.” 

Senior Manager of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Dr Mayrah Dreise said the ceremony showcased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student success on the completion of Year 12. 

“My hope for their future is that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students gain meaningful employment and continue to extend themselves via further education or study,” said the Gamilaraay and Yuwalaraay woman from Southwest Queensland and Northwest New South Wales. 

Mt Maria College Mitchelton parent Richie Visini said the graduation ceremony has special significance to his family. 

“It is a special moment for us, as Sienna is the first one in her generation from our family to achieve this milestone,’ he said. 

“Sienna has always been proud of her Indigenous heritage and strives hard to achieve good results in her education. 

“We are so proud of her for getting here and have to thank Mt Maria College for a very enjoyable six years.” 

Mt Maria College Mitchelton Year 12 Graduate Sienna Visini said she is incredibly proud to be part of the ceremony and get to celebrate with other First Nations students. 

“I am so grateful to get to represent my culture and the Mt Maria College community, it’s a significant achievement and momentous event for me,” she said. 

“Being given the opportunity to go through 13 years of schooling, and now being able to pursuit a career in film technologies after school, is something I am beyond appreciative of, as many Elders were not given these opportunities.” 

BCE would like to wish all the graduates the very best as they embark on their post school journeys.  

Like this year’s National Reconciliation Week theme, ‘Be a Voice for Future Generations,’ BCE’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students will go on to champion change within their communities, making a lasting impact for generations to come. 

The graduation service featured a Liturgy,  Acknowledgment of Country by Uncle David Miller and performances by the BCE dance group ‘Dappīl Meeanjin Dances,’ followed by a light lunch.  

The graduation event was organised by the BCE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Team. ​

Mt Maria College Mitchelton Year 12 Graduate Sienna Visini (right) with Mother (left).png

Mt Maria College Mitchelton student Sienna Visini with Mother Roxanne Stokes.
First Nations Graduates 2024.png
Schools from across the Archdiocese of Brisbane joined together at Cathedral of St. Stephen to celebrate First Nations graduates in a special liturgy.

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