Cathy Hunt - BCE's visionary educator empowering rural students for a digital future


McAuley College Beaudesert curriculum leader Cathy Hunt. 

McAuley College, Beaudesert Curriculum Leader Cathy Hunt wants to ensure students from rural schools can powerfully contribute to their local communities.  ​

Her students are learning the skills they need to thrive in locally and on a global scale, she says. 


Cathy describes her own learning journey into teaching digital technologies saying it began during her tenure as a Visual and Media Arts teacher earlier in her career. 


“I discovered the immense creative potential of mobile devices and subsequently decided to teach myself to code, leading to me becoming an Apple Distinguished Educator, enhancing my own professional development and offering to my students. 


“By equipping students with these technical skills, we empower young minds to unlock their potential and contribute positively to their local communities.”  


McAuley College Principal Deidre Young commended Cathy’s drive and initiative, saying Cathy is helping McAuley College students have a mindset for innovation. 


“Cathy understands that developing digitally savvy students is crucial for their personal growth, educational attainment, and the overall development of their rural communities,” says Deidre. 


“They can start their own businesses, contribute to economic growth, and drive positive change in their communities. 


“Cathy not only fosters creativity and problem-solving but also ensures our students are ready for jobs of the future.  


Introducing coding education opens doors to a world of opportunities, empowering students with the tools to shape their futures and thrive in the digital age. 


Head of Education - Strategy, Policy and Innovation Marisa Dann says Cathy’s approach at McAuley College aligns with BCE’s direction of enabling future-fit environments where our students can connect and transform through critical and creative thinking.  


“Our focus is on reimagining student voice, inquiry and collaboration so that our students are equipped with capabilities needed for their learning and wellbeing. Our leaders are empowered to deliver purposeful transformation, and our schools are future-focused at all times,” she says. ​

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