Executive Director's message - 4 December 2020


​BCE Executive Director Pam Betts​

AS we started 2020, I spoke with our staff, during the January Professional Development days, about disruption. I must admit I was thinking about it from the perspective of new technologies, adaptation, and resilience as we undergo changes as educators and as an organisation. Little did I know the level of disruption that was about to unfold – this year COVID-19 has thrown schools a giant curve ball that no-one saw coming. It has not been easy. It has been frustrating and challenging for us all – that is true. While this is not an experience any of us would have chosen, I am immensely grateful for the courage, passion, and commitment each and every one of you has shown during 2020. You have not only inspired your students, you have also inspired me and the BCE leadership team at every stage throughout the year. Thank you!

For some of you, the 4 December may well mark your last day at your current school or workplace. For those taking up positions at one of our schools and to those moving on from BCE, we wish you every blessing as your journey continues. For those who, at the end of this year, will move into retirement, I offer you our sincere thanks for all you have done and for the contribution you have made. We wish you a long, happy and healthy retirement.

As you ring the school bell for the last time for 2020 and say farewell to another class, I know there will be some relief to have simply survived this incredible year. However, as one year ends another starts and we look to the future and welcoming 2021 – the year we commence our new strategic plan and celebrate 200 years of Catholic education in Australia. As we contemplate a new year, I am drawn to the words of Pope Francis:

To Christians, the future does have a name, and its name is Hope. Feeling hopeful does not mean to be optimistically naive and ignore the tragedy humanity is facing.

Hope is the virtue of a heart that doesn't lock itself into darkness, that doesn't dwell on the past, does not simply get by in the present, but is able to see a tomorrow.

Our tomorrow looks bright, but first there is the Christmas season to celebrate and a well-deserved holiday with those you hold near and dear. I hope you have the time to bask in the summer breeze and in the joy family brings. May this time rejuvenate you and you return to the new school year refreshed. I would like to finish by sharing this Christmas prayer from the National Catholic Education Commission:

Loving God,

In this Christmas season we thank you for the great joy you have sent us in the birth of Jesus.

Help us to be the voice and hands of the angel sharing Jesus with one another this Christmas season.

In Your name, we pray, Amen.

God bless and I hope you and your families stay safe and well during the Christmas break. Thank you again for all you have done in 2020. All the best for a very well-earned and well-deserved break.

With sincere thanks and may the Christmas season bring abundant blessings, 


Pam Betts

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