Feast day fun leads to birthday artwork


Students contribute to their art piece celebrating 130 years of Catholic education in Wooloowin

IT was a major dilemma for staff and students at Holy Cross School, Wooloowin.

How do you celebrate 130 Years of Catholic Education in Wooloowin during a pandemic and get rid of hundreds of bottle tops lids left over from the school's Envision project, which they had supported in 2019?

The solution - create an art project that allowed every student and staff member to contribute to an art piece that celebrated being the oldest Catholic primary school on Brisbane's northside.

As their inspiration, the staff chose a re​-contextualised artwork of Jesus by Stephen Whatley – 'Glory of Christ - Easter Day' (2008).

“Keeping in mind our commitment to sustainability and stewardship of the earth, we wanted to make good use of the many bottle lids," Assistant Principal for Religious Education Michelle McClafferty said.

She said teachers spent many hours planning and preparing the artwork, so it was ready for the students to participate in creating the finished artwork.

“Class groups were timetabled throughout the day to make their contribution.

“They also participated in creating a temporary cross on the school green space.

“To top off our busy day we enjoyed Zooper Doopers and a celebration liturgy.," she said.

Students with their recycled 130th birthday artwork

Michelle said creating collaborative artworks was part of the culture at Holy Cross School.

She said staff and students enjoyed creating artworks for various celebrations and events. for many years.

“Our last big project was in 2015 when we celebrated 125 years. 

“We have mounted our new artwork is mounted on the wall beside the 125-year celebration mural.

The school's remaining bottle top lids will be used for individual artworks to raise money for Catholic Mission at their Market Day on 28th October.

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