Thank you to all teachers

​Education is not the filling of a pot but the lighting of a fire.’ – W.B. Yeats
As we celebrate World Teachers’ Day, BCE Executive Pam Betts has added her voice to the chorus of thanks from students and parents across our schools.  
"Being a teacher is more than a job, it is even more than a profession. Teachers have a crucial role in the development of young lives – giving students the skills, knowledge and experience to live life to the full. For teachers, this is their vocation.   

"To the 7,280 teachers in our schools - I sincerely thank you for your commitment, enthusiasm and resilience as you guide the students in your care in their learning and their faith development. 

"I’ve been fortunate enough to have had some wonderful teachers, both as a primary student at St Elizabeth’s School and in secondary school at Our Lady’s College. They inspired me and sowed the seed for my desire to become a teacher.  


"Of course, another teacher who has guided so many of us was Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop – her ability to face hardship, support those in need and her passion for education was remarkable and remains inspiring over 150 years later.  She did not wait for children to come to school, she took school to the children – an act which is reflected in these words from Pope Francis: 

"Educating isn’t a profession but an attitude, a way of being.  In order to educate you must go out of yourselves and be amidst the young, accompanying them in the stages of their growth, standing beside them.”   

"So, thank you all for embracing your role as teachers – walking, caring for and empowering your students to give their best - so that they may also be the difference in our world. My sincere thanks as well to all those who tirelessly support the work of the teachers in our schools.  

God of Creativity 

We thank you for the gift of our teachers and all those who work in our schools. 

May their commitment continue to inspire wonder, confidence, joy and peace. 

We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thank you, teachers!  

Pam Betts

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