STUDENTS at Southern Cross Catholic College's Woody Point Campus have caught the writing bug having launched their second published book.
The book, titled Woody's Wondrously Wacky Tales, is a follow up to the school's first published book Woody's Wild and Whimsical Tales, which was published in 2019.
Written for kids, by kids, the second book is filled with stories of the amazing adventures of the Woody Point Writers, a group of 28 student volunteers from Years 4-6 who were allowed to let their creative juices flow. Woody Point Head of Campus, Aynslee Bale said, “it is one thing to achieve something remarkable once, but to face up and do an even better job the second time around is truly extraordinary".
Throughout the year, the budding authors worked through the writing and editing process, guided by Primary Learning Leader Jennie Lane.
Mrs Lane said the project idea came about when she recognised the need to provide students with an authentic purpose for their creative writing.
"We had been looking for opportunities to challenge and extend the Woody Point students and, following an introduction to a local publisher, the rest was history," Mrs Lane said.
Behind the scenes, Mrs Lane organised sponsors and fundraising activities so the campus could finance the second book publication.
“We thank our families and community for their continued support of our goals and aspirations," Mrs Lane said.
“It has been an honour seeing the growth of each and every student involved, and I am in awe of their amazing abilities.
“I've laughed and I've cried when reading these adventures and I've just marvelled at the bravery of these students as they've stepped out of their comfort zones to be involved in such a project," Mrs Lane said.
The students acknowledged past parent and publisher, Deborah Fay from Disruptive Publishing, for her dedication and hard work on the project.
The book is available for purchase at with funds raised helping future students become the next group of Woody Point Writers.