Workshop commits to Student Voice


Student Voice consultants (from left) Holly, Alyssa, Conner, Angus and Louie at the Student Voice workshop

WHILE most students and teachers were enjoying a well-deserved break from school in the holidays, 20 stakeholders, including students, parents, school and office staff,​ gathered on Thursday 15 April 2021 to discuss Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) ’s commitment to Student Voice​.        

The aim of the workshop was to co-create a BCE Student Voice Commitment Statement outlining BCE’s promise at all levels (classroom, school and system) to:

  • listen to the voices of all BCE students,
  • seek student input and learn from them, and
  • offer opportunities for students to partner in decisions that impact their education experience.

Facilitated by consultant Amy Stephenson from Unique Outcomes, the day began with a highly anticipated, competitive, and nail-biting game of scissors, paper, rock to warm up the space. Following this, the discussions began as representatives from BCE Executive, Leadership Team and Senior staff, students, parents, and teachers voiced their opinions and discussed what the commitment could look like.  A World Café process ensured that everyone’s voice was heard.  The final session of the day involved stakeholders prioritising ideas they believed needed to be included in the Commitment Statement.  At the end of the day all stakeholders expressed their thanks for the opportunity to be involved in creating the Student Voice Commitment Statement.


Student Voice Commitment workshop participants

I believe a significant step was taken to ensure decisions and structures throughout BCE are viewed through a new lens, giving all stakeholders including students, teachers, and parents, the opportunity to input into decisions which impact on them. The potential for student – staff partnerships was seen continuously throughout the workshop.  Despite the differences in age, gender, background, beliefs and roles within BCE, collaboration flourished, embodying the values of integrity, justice, hope and excellence that underpin our BCE community.

I thank all stakeholders who attended, Amy Stephenson for facilitating the event; and Carolyn, Renee and the rest of the BCE Student Voice Team for driving this important change.

Written by Holly Megaw, Year 12 student at St John Fisher College and Student Voice Consultant 2021

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