WORKING with and inspiring students at St Patricks College, Gympie, is something teacher aide, Kerri Senini, excels at.
Now that dedicated work has earned her an Education HQ's 2018 Unsung Heroes - Support award.
Kerri was nominated for the award by colleague Sarah Viner, and strongly backed by staff, student and the college's parent community.
She was up against a superb field of outstanding behind-the-scenes school contributors.
Sarah described Kerri as very humble about her role and underplays the difference she makes to the lives of the individuals with whom she works very closely.
She said Kerri formed close working relationships with some of the school's most challenging students and was endlessly patient with them.
Students trust Kerri implicitly and recognised in her an inherent desire to see others succeed, learn and grow.
She had an innate sense of how to work successfully with young adult learners and helped students to feel more confident and successful.
As a national winner, Kerri featured in the March edition of Education HQ's Australian Teacher magazine where she noted the irony of winning an “unsung hero" award when she felt she worked in a school where staff and students alike regularly let her know she was appreciated.
According to Kerri, winning the award confirmed that she was where she was meant to be.
Principal Mark Newton said the entire St Patrick's College community could not agree more.