Thank you for all you do!

Executive Director's message

​BCE Executive Director Pam Betts

​WE have reached the half-way mark for 2020 and who would have thought, when the school year commenced, the events we witnessed these past months would unfold across the globe.

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your commitment, compassion and care during these most challenging times.

We have collectively learnt so much.

Many of us have mastered skills and gained knowledge in areas that we could not have imagined.

I am now quite the expert with Microsoft Teams!

I have heard so many stories of remarkable moments in our schools.

The spirit of our Catholic education community has been evident in the support and care of our families and those in our communities who are vulnerable.

These simple acts of kindness and of reaching out to those in need have made a difference.

Many in our school communities have continued to experience the challenges that emerged from the economic impact of the coronavirus.

We continue to hold in our prayers all those who are facing financial hardship and job losses.

Your efforts throughout Term 2 have been extraordinary.

Thank you most sincerely for all you have done and for going the extra mile to ensure our students are safe and that their learning could continue.

Together we can be very proud of all that has been achieved for our students and the contribution made by all in Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Brisbane.

Please remember to take care of yourselves in the midst of the continued uncertainty and understandable anxiety that many are experiencing.

As this final day of Term 2 draws to a close and the holidays begin, I offer for you this prayer from St Francis of Assisi:

Lord, help me to live this day quietly, peacefully.

To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully.

To wait for the unfolding of Thy will patiently, serenely.

To meet others peacefully, joyously.

To face tomorrow confidently, courageously.


From Catholic Health USA

I hope this well-earned break brings you and all your families peace, rest and serenity.

Take care and regards,

Pam Betts  

Executive Director
Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane 

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