AN encounter with Fr Rob Galea was an experience students and staff at St Benedict’s College, Mango Hill, will not forget in a hurry.
Fr Rob, who went from troubled teen to Catholic Priest in his home country of Malta, shared his story on how he broke through his demons and continued to “do it sacred” – despite feeling nervous or anxious.
Now working in Sandhurst Diocese, Victoria, the founder of FRG Ministry told the students about his passion to see others come to encounter the love of Jesus Christ and find a home in His Church.
The former Australian X Factor contestant described himself to the excited students as an introvert who still called on God’s assistance prior to presenting to students,
He encouraged the students to give things a go despite their fear and to breakthrough such barriers to be the champions God desired for humanity to be.
His presentations were well-pitched to be appropriate and meaningful to all Year levels as they rotated through sessions.
Meanwhile, his friendly humour resonated well with students and enhanced and facilitated his positive faith-filled messages.
Student Dave Francisco said he was already familiar with Fr Rob from watching his YouTube videos and hearing his talks from various youth conferences.
However, he said seeing him talk in person was a completely different experience.
“What stood out the most to me is his true love and passion for spreading the love and message of Jesus,” he said.
“Through his teachings from life experiences and what he has done to overcome certain obstacles in his life, I could really feel that he is trying to draw each and every one of us to the heart of God.
“The messages through his songs were also deeply inspiring, reminding us to trust in the Lord and to love Him, just as He loves us.
“He inspired us to get rid of our ‘big buts’ and to strive to work hard in whatever we want to achieve.”
“Fr Rob really opened my mind what it means to truly live – to live life fully with Christ and to engage in our relationships with other people,” he said.
St Benedict’s Assistant Principal for Religious Education Peter Olley said Fr Rob, treated Year 7 students to his famous “surfing” dance while singing one of his songs with the whole room buzzing and engaged.
Peter said Fr Rob shared his ‘big ‘big buts’ philosophy – (“I could do this… but…”) while encouraging students to not let excuses stop them reaching their potential.
“He then noted the three steps to performing a good squat (an exercise to target the glutes) that can be applied to help students overcome their fears and achieve their goals.
“He said first they must find their centre of gravity (family/friends/faith); then get their butt to the floor (being down because of perceived failures in life) and finally push up hard using their muscles (working hard with assistance from those around them to achieve their potential).
Peter said a request to Fr Rob to sing I’m Alive - a Year 7 favourite - which they joined in, ended the session on an even higher note.”
Primary students from St Benedict’s School turned the tables on Fr Rob when he visited their assembly by belting out a number of his songs prior to him singing a fun song with them.
Peter said staff and interested parishioners did not miss out on Fr Rob’s passion sharing an afternoon session about discernment.
“Sharing more of his story and important music he unpacked ways to practice this in our lives.
“Fr Rob inspired, empowered, sang, offered hope, and shared faith, life and culture to all our students.
“Many students asked him endless questions about how he left his destructive life to venture into priesthood.
“Our students thoroughly enjoyed his time with us which was reciprocated as Fr Rob wants to return and see the students in the future,” he said.